Known Dynaverse II Cheat Tactics

    This list was submitted to Dave Farrell in the hopes that Taldren will be able to come up with some solutions. XenoCorp® Inc. IN NO WAY supports anyone using any of these heinous methods - they are listed here so that honest, honorable players can be aware of the tell-tale signs of those that do cheat.

Ways to cheat on Dynaverse II :

Avoiding mandatory missions:

1) Accept the mission and simply ESC/Forfeit out of the mission for a 0 prestige lose.

2) Quit current campaign and immediately sign back in.

3) Buy a base. You won't get any mandatory missions until you are in a friendly hex. (Great way to move around the map uninhibited by missions.)

Avoiding human missions:

1) Accept draft but do not accept mission (i.e. wait for counter to go down). Quit current campaign and immediately sign back in.

2) Accept draft and mission, then simply ESC/Forfeit out of the mission for a 0 prestige lose.

Hex sitting:

1) Sit at a hex and not accept any missions from anyone. A group of players doing this can be quite annoying since you normally cannot take the hex they guard. Use "Avoiding mandatory missions" tips to simply move thorough the line of hex sitters. Incredibly boring cheat but effective in holding a line of hexes.


1) Losing in a game -or- about to lose. No problem. Simply hit F12 dozens upon dozens of times and the created lag will allow you to escape death. Often times your ship will jump out of harms way or a seeking weapon will impact for no damage.


Some servers do not have CRC installed (or it is not working correctly) and players can mod their shiplist.txt or ftrlist.txt to create superships.

I'm about to lose! :

1) ESC/Forfeit and you keep your ship, but with damage/destruction recorded.

2) ESC/QUIT and it is as if the battle never happened. Destruction and damage are never recorded by the server.