XenoCorp Online Protocol This brief guide is intended to guide our members in online protocol. Although it is primarily focused on online gaming via GameSpy Arcade, protocol should also be observed in any online format where the XenoCorp name might be recognized, including (but not limited to) Dynaverse 2 and 3, the Dynaverse.Net Forums, and the XC forums. • Read the XenoCorp Codes located at www.xenocorp.net. They are more than just a slogan; they define our fleet’s identity. As part of that fleet you need to represent them and the ideals they stand for (including the “Have Fun!” part!) • XenoCorp-hosted rooms on GSA are open to the public on a first come, first serve basis (rare exceptions will be made to this rule for invited guests). • XenoCorp members will always be given priority access to XC-hosted rooms. If an XC member is waiting outside a full room, that member should message the room’s host and request access (something as simple as “knock-knock” or “could I please come in” is sufficient). Assuming there is a non-XC in the room, it is then the host’s duty to politely ask that person to leave, explaining that a fleet member needs to get in. The last non-XC to enter should be the one asked to leave (if someone else volunteers, thank them!) Inform them that they are welcome back at any time, space permitting. Be nice! • If more XC are online than can fit in one room (i.e. 7 or more), then we will split into 2 (or more) rooms as needed. No one gets left behind! • If any member should crash before we launch, we will give them a few minutes to reboot and re-log. Like I said, no one gets left behind! • In the Game Setup screen, do not pick your ship until all players have connected. Doing so can cause the game to crash. • If you get blown up in-game, do not leave the game before it is over (i.e. one side wins). This can cause a crash for the remaining players (plus you might learn something from watching!) • Good-natured taunting is part of our fun, but trash-talk (e.g. “I kicked your butt”, “I’m better than you”, etc.) is frowned upon. SFC2 is a rich and complex game which some of our members have been playing online since it hit the shelves, and even they are still learning. Everyone has something to learn about this game, including you, and you can’t do that if you are busy running your mouth. • Foul language should be kept to a minimum. • Questions, issues, and complaints should follow the chain of command as much as possible. Ask your Senior Captain or Squadron Commodore for help; if they are not available, you should ask the Director of Recruiting and Compliance (that’s me!), the Fleet Rear Admiral, or the Fleet Admiral. XenoCorp’s online reputation is one of integrity and respect. You were chosen for membership specifically because we believe you can represent those ideals while having fun in the process! Always remember: your actions and words reflect on the fleet as a whole; you, as an individual, are our strength or our Achilles’ heel (hopefully the former!) Have fun, and see you online! Fleet Vice Admiral 762 Director, Recruiting and Compliance Division fva762@xenocorp.net