While we're at it, a few shameless plugs: Unity, The Third Age, is being fought right now. The successor to IslandWars 2 will follow it, as will BattleZone, and next, Dominion Wars.
Sorry to all the SFC3 widows and widowers out there!
Fellow Denizens of the Dynaverse,
I just wanted to comment on some of the things going on in our gaming community. I am sure everyone is aware of the continual bickering, flaming and other such nonsense that is ever present in the SFC3 community. Don’t you think it is about time it stopped?
I for one, and I am sure the overwhelming majority or those reading this post, play the game to relax, have fun, and enjoy a little friendly competition, so why all the turmoil?
I would like to see everyone, regardless of which faction you represent, which clan or whatever else you call yourself, take a break and learn to exercise a little tolerance and more importantly, engage the brain before the mouth. I’ve been playing SFC3 for more than a year now and the crap hasn’t let up since day one. There is no sense in any of this.
Most of the problems seem to be integrity issues, real and imagined, and my personal favorite; someone offended someone’s “honor”. Get a life people. Once it’s all said and done, it’s only a game. And as for your “honor”, I am sure it will still be there if you ever really had it to begin with, even if someone fires a few colorful expletives your way or challenges something you say or do. Let’s strive for maturity, tolerance and understanding first, I am certain your “honor” will remain intact and just possibly some who have no idea what honor really is might actually develop some. Lastly, for those seemingly “honor” bound types; how honorable is it to engage in a childish, schoolyard shouting match, in open forum, over some perceived slight, real or imagined? Think about it. You know who you are out there and remember we all have one or two like that in our group of friends/associates. If you know someone like this, give them a friendly reminder to tone it down and come back to reality.
What I see as a real problem is everyone wanting to take the high moral ground and grandstand in front of the SFC3 community at large, some may even say that about this post. So be it. Take it for what its worth. Anyway, everyone at one time or another likes being the “wounded” victim and then playing it up to the crowd that gathers to watch or participate in the ensuing spectacle! It’s actually quite funny and sad at the same time. It’s the same kind of loathsome garbage you see on the likes of daytime shock-reality shows like Springer and other similar trash TV. I guess bottom line is everyone needs to step down a notch or two and let those things of importance be important and those that are not simply slide off into oblivion. We should put so much energy into cooperative efforts and sportsmanship during the game.
As for the major SFC3 mods, their creators and staff. Gentlemen you’ve done a great service to the community and I commend you on your efforts and enjoy your mods quite a lot. Unfortunately some while doing a great service on one hand have done and equally harmful turn to the community by fostering an environment that although it may be totally benign, gives the appearance of bia’s, impropriety, and any number of other maladies. My suggestion to this is please only release completed and thoroughly beta tested mods that are truly fair and balanced. Select your staff carefully and hold them to a high standard. Most importantly, once a campaign starts, any changes should be made only as an absolute necessity, not just because you can or to slightly tweak something that really doesn’t have that much bearing on the campaign as a whole.
Encourage dialogue with your players and try to listen to their comments with an open mind, as asinine as they can be sometimes. Conversely, players, give the mod creators and staff the respect you would want them to give you and remember, it’s their “house” and if you don’t like it, quietly and courteously leave. Simple as that.
We have a great community, lots of good people and a common bond in the form of this game. By and large SFC3 is a highly addictive and enjoyable pastime. Let’s keep the fun in it and put and end to all the garbage.
Thanks for taking the time to read my post.
See you in the Dyna!
Commander Templar
SBO Council
Executive Officer, SBO Wing II
“Riders of the Apocalypse”