New Member of the NWN Mod Development Team

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Moderator: FA_Frey_XC

New Member of the NWN Mod Development Team

Postby StumpTX_XC » Tue Feb 17, 2004 11:24 am

Jim Bowers (aka nafein or zippy) will be helping with our NWN mod. Jim really excels at this game and always builds awesome characters which dominate servers. He has the knack, you might say. Take a minute to say hello sometime.

FINALLY I found someone else who is interested in helping out with this mod! I was getting seriously worried that this was never gonna get off the ground. We are still looking for help with scripting if anyone is handy with C#. We have some very good ideas that would require such skills.
Perilandra is running online on a part-time basis while Nafein and I add some finishing touches. Stop by and check for mod name Perilandra in the Alternative section.
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Postby FA_Frey_XC » Wed Mar 03, 2004 12:33 am

Once I get the server up and running, I'll be happy to lend a hand at the scripting.
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