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Happy Thanksgiving !!
Thu Nov 27, 2003 5:04 am
by 1AF C-Los
Everyone enjoy your Dinner...
Have a safe and Happy Holiday Season !!!!!
Thu Nov 27, 2003 12:08 pm
by FVA_C_Blade_XC
You do da same.
Fri Nov 28, 2003 10:25 am
by FA_Frey_XC
Oh man, I am not as stuffed as I wanted to be... but ate good.
How did everyone's Turkey Day go?
Ended up picking up X2 2 Disk DVD set last night too, watched it of course.
Love that movie.
Sat Nov 29, 2003 2:26 am
by Dogmatix_XC
My Thanksgiving was pretty busy. We hosted, so I had a lot of work to do beforehand. I grubbed out big time...drank lots o' beer and played on the OP dyna late into the night and early morning. It was fun.
Always good to get together with family on the holidays.
Mon Dec 01, 2003 4:18 pm
by FA_Frey_XC
Aye, we just went to my Wife's family for Turkeyday, then came home.
It was, by far, one of the most stress free Thanksgivings I've had in a while.
Tue Dec 02, 2003 10:11 am
by Dogmatix_XC
Yeah...I like to be a "guest" rather than a host, for obvious reasons...heheh. It's a little more relaxed, certainly.
My daighter had a great time saying Turkey, but we had zero luck in getting her to eat any of it. Go figure...heheh.
Wed Dec 03, 2003 9:36 am
by FCM_Kortez_XC
After I put out the fire in the skillet all went great. There is really no substitute to brining your turkey, and I found a recipe which actually used Wild Turkey in the brine.
A great Thanksgiving.