I found it, Frey. I've found the Magic.
It's called NwMonitor. It works in conjunction with the NWN dedicater Server program.
It checks for several things (Server crashes, hangs, and various other problems. It's got VERY good reviews, and from what I've seen it's A++ material)
Now, all you gotta do is set up the Nwserver. Which isn't hard, I can give you instructions in this post.
Now, you'll have to have .Net Framework installed. I can upload BOTH of those to the FTP (The Nwmonitor, and the .Net Framework files) So you can easily access them.
So, onto the goody! I'm assuming you wont have a full NeverWinter Nights game to install, so You'll have to get the Stand-Alone server, which is on Bioware's website. I can download that, and upload it to the FTP server too, again, for ease of access.
So, basically, all you gotta do is:
A) Install everything. (NWN server, .Net Framework, and the Nwmonitor)
Set up the server (It's a .ini file, see below for exact specifications)
C) Run Nwmonitor, and let it rock. Now... with Nwmonitor, theoretically you'll NEVER have to touch the NWN server again. It even handles Periodic resets. So, we'll see.... dunno what we'll do if the server crashes and something doesn't work and it stays down. Remote commands/access? Dunno... you decide.
That's it, do those and we'll be rocking in Perilandria in no time.
================Nwplayer.ini settings==============
This is a copy/paste of my Nwplayer.ini file's "Server Options" section. I suppose you could just copy/paste this into your own file. Just make sure you past it OVER the current [Server Options] Section. Remember, ONLY the server options section.
[Server Options]
Game Port=5121
Max Players=40
Server Name=Shanty Town
GameSpy Enabled=1
Game Type=0
Disable AutoSave=1
PVP Setting=2
Suppress Base Servervault=0
Game Region=0
One Party Only=0
Enforce Legal Characters=1
Auto Save Interval=0
CD Banned Behavior=0
Disallow Shouting=0
Reload Module When Empty=0
That should do it. Stump, look over that and see if you want anything changed, or wonder why I set it like that. We haven't discussed the settings yet, so this would be a good place/time to.
Anyways, I'll go upload those three files now.
Frey, anything else you need? Problems? Questions? Tic-Tac?
"Freedom breeds Isolation! That's the lesson of Human history! Equality creates nothing but the death of the individual!"