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Need direction from ya'll on setting up the Server

PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 7:43 pm
by FA_Frey_XC
Okay, guys, I've been busier than a bee getting everything ready.

We've the core xc network up, fully functional, and monitoed. I've gotten security set for all the servers, and we've gotten the upgrades done in the NOC.

Basically, I'm ready to start setting up the server. However, while I play the game like a bastich and love connecting to servers, I have no idea if I just load up NWN on the server, lanch and go? Or is there a exectuable or some other download that runs a dedicated server?

So, NWN dudes, it's your time. Post here and give me what I need, and it'll get done.

Thanks for your patience !

PostPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 11:58 am
by Arak-Nafein
I sent you an email containing a bit of info. But, as I said in the email, I"ll check around for ya, and get back to you.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 8:06 pm
by Arak-Nafein
I found it, Frey. I've found the Magic.

It's called NwMonitor. It works in conjunction with the NWN dedicater Server program.

It checks for several things (Server crashes, hangs, and various other problems. It's got VERY good reviews, and from what I've seen it's A++ material)

Now, all you gotta do is set up the Nwserver. Which isn't hard, I can give you instructions in this post.

Now, you'll have to have .Net Framework installed. I can upload BOTH of those to the FTP (The Nwmonitor, and the .Net Framework files) So you can easily access them.

So, onto the goody! I'm assuming you wont have a full NeverWinter Nights game to install, so You'll have to get the Stand-Alone server, which is on Bioware's website. I can download that, and upload it to the FTP server too, again, for ease of access.

So, basically, all you gotta do is:
A) Install everything. (NWN server, .Net Framework, and the Nwmonitor)
B) Set up the server (It's a .ini file, see below for exact specifications)
C) Run Nwmonitor, and let it rock. Now... with Nwmonitor, theoretically you'll NEVER have to touch the NWN server again. It even handles Periodic resets. So, we'll see.... dunno what we'll do if the server crashes and something doesn't work and it stays down. Remote commands/access? Dunno... you decide.

That's it, do those and we'll be rocking in Perilandria in no time.

================Nwplayer.ini settings==============

This is a copy/paste of my Nwplayer.ini file's "Server Options" section. I suppose you could just copy/paste this into your own file. Just make sure you past it OVER the current [Server Options] Section. Remember, ONLY the server options section.

[Server Options]
Game Port=5121
Max Players=40
Server Name=Shanty Town
GameSpy Enabled=1
Game Type=0
Disable AutoSave=1
PVP Setting=2
Suppress Base Servervault=0
Game Region=0
One Party Only=0
Enforce Legal Characters=1
Auto Save Interval=0
CD Banned Behavior=0
Disallow Shouting=0
Reload Module When Empty=0

That should do it. Stump, look over that and see if you want anything changed, or wonder why I set it like that. We haven't discussed the settings yet, so this would be a good place/time to.

Anyways, I'll go upload those three files now.

Frey, anything else you need? Problems? Questions? Tic-Tac?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 8:18 pm
by Arak-Nafein
Oh yeah. I almost forgot. To make the NWmonitor actually start the module, you'll have to add a command to the .exe (Actually, the shortcut.)

Just put a -module "Modulename" after the Stuff that's in the "Target" field. If you need more help, merely ask. I can explain it better if need be.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 8:23 pm
by Arak-Nafein
Scratch that, I'll upload the .Net framework, and the Nwmonitor.

The Stand alone server is over 200 Megs.(My Download is fast as hell, but my Upload is just under 300kbps, it would take a while to upload it) I'll give you a link and if you need to download it, you may. (Stand-Alone Server 1.62) ... l#download

There's a good bit of info through some of those links, if you feel like reading.

Settings in the .ini file

PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 7:32 am
by StumpTX_XC
Difficulty: I want D&D the way WOC does it. Core rules and all inclusive. The spirit of Gary Gygax should guide us here.

PvP: I already marked almost all areas as FULL PvP. If you don't wanna get hammerred by fireballs from your own sorcerer friend, get a reflex save, pal.

Reset Periods: Regularly scheduled resets should be to optimize performance. Keep in mind that certain unique items and creatures will only respawn when the server resets. I would like more time between resets than 4 hours if that works for you. 8, 12 or even 24 would be better, but I think 24 hours may not help optimize performance much. I hereby bequeth that decision to the Admiral.

*** One other note; Can someone look at Steve's scripts in his Base Module and see if they can figure out where to hook them up? I assume they will all start with "r" for Ravenstar. I don't know what level of involvement Steve will have due to that book he has to write for work.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:03 pm
by Arak-Nafein
Stump, I couldn't agree more.

Now, about the reset period, I've love to see one every 24 hours, or even more, if possible. I like the idea of logging off, and coming back no where you left off. None of that cheap "I died, so I'll log in as another character till the reset" mess. I hate that.

Reset time

PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 7:16 am
by StumpTX_XC
True, but if it's a short time between resets, the once-per-reset treasures will be more available. Maybe 12 hours between resets?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 7:56 pm
by Arak-Nafein
I thought it was a good thing when Once-Per-Reset Items were rare? Ya know? It's no fun when everyone is running around with +20 Vorpal Sword that slays everything on hit. Kinda.... boring then.'

I suggest we see how long the server can run, and still be stable. Then, manually reset it. Log the time period.

Repeat about three times. Take the average of those times. And use THAT as our reset period?


PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:38 am
by StumpTX_XC
That's what I meant. Longer resets means lower availability of once-per-reset items.