We're up and running (sometimes)

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We're up and running (sometimes)

Postby StumpTX_XC » Wed Feb 23, 2005 8:55 am

Nafein and I are busy making fixes and upgrades to Perilandra. I am putting the mod online in the Alternative section. Just look for Perilandra under mods. I have been having some folks I've played online with in other servers on with me as I run a dedicated server. I am getting good feedback and am putting good advice to use. Nafein is doing the 1st pass for basic module scripting like respawning, XP. parties, rest and so on. I am looking forward to adding some other scripting features in the near future.

If anyone else has any interest in this project, please let us know. The basics are in hand, but there will be new additions on an ongoing basis.

I have been grovelling to Mordi, the DM and creator of World of Pallus (WOPallus in Alternative section), to create some very special items that will be providing a very interesting theme to our world. Must stay on that one's case! :cry:

If you just feel like poking around and seeing what we've done, check in the Alternative section (top-left corner) when you login to Multiplayer. At this point, I can't be sure how frequently or how long I can keep this server up and running online, but I will leave it on as much as I can.

If you have any comments on Perilandra, you can email me or Nafein or add a reply to this thread.

Thanks and hope to see you in Perilandra soon!
Perilandra is running online on a part-time basis while Nafein and I add some finishing touches. Stop by and check for mod name Perilandra in the Alternative section.
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Postby Hstaphath_XC » Thu Feb 24, 2005 1:41 pm

Yay!!! Do you have a write-up and some screen shots I can use to announce this on the XC NWN webs?

I'm still stuck in 56k dial-up hell, so trying to check it out myself is still out of the question. :sad:
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15.5 Coming

Postby StumpTX_XC » Tue Mar 15, 2005 4:47 pm

Well, we fixed up the routing for death and dying to respawn players to Heaven, Pergatory or Hades, depending upon their alignment. The churches are all dressed up in their Sunday best.

Nafein is currently working on XP, party formation and resting scripts whil I am looking into doing some adjustments with CR's to make the XP more realistic.

I am continuing to play my own characters to test everything from a players perspective. This has lead to numerous tweaks and additions. One that really helped at lower levels was the introduction of "fine" and "very fine" weapons to assist level 1-3 players with their AB. I added a lot of mouse encounters in the residential areas and the port that even the physically-weakest players can use to make levels relatively easily and even do some generous pulls. It should be fun at all levels. :P

I WANT HOLY RELICS AND ALTARS!!!!! I'm not giving up and (I promise) I will add quests to gain posession of them if I only knew how to create them. Any help what-so-ever would be GREATLY appreciated. I will even put a big-ass statue in the town center with your name on it if you can create these items for me. I'll even make your statue buff everyone that clicks it or whatever you want it to do. Such a deal, eh?
Perilandra is running online on a part-time basis while Nafein and I add some finishing touches. Stop by and check for mod name Perilandra in the Alternative section.
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