The Corps

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The Corps

Postby FA_Frey_XC » Sun Nov 09, 2008 7:46 pm

Considering we play on Aquilonia, a RP PvP server, there's been some inquiry lately in regards to our guild name, and whether it's appropriate in a Conan / Hyboria setting.

Now, before we hear stuff about "what about guild names like SCUM, Black Company, or the others?" let me say this:

It doesn't matter about those guilds. A GM asked me IG about the guild name, and so we're going to address the issue.

Some of you - probably a lot of you - know the Age of Conan is just another facet of the clan / guild named XenoCorp. We've been around since 1995, and we've been playing online games since Starfcraft / Halflife / Team Fortress days. Our primary claim to fame is the Halflife / Starfleet Command arena - and while we're still active in a lot of things, Age is quickly becoming a high-ranking priority on the Fleet's list.

Considering it's a RP server, we've set it as the Corps of Xeno - I.E. XenoCorps. Think of the US Marine Corps, if your not understanding. We're a mercenary guild, military in nature but honourable in relations. We've decided to stake out our land in Hyboria and see what we can get ourselves into.

If need be, we'll change the guild name to "Corps of Xeno" to comply with Aquilonia's RP rules. We'll all know what it really means so I don't see any issue with it.

Sound off here if you have any issues with that.

CEO, XenoCorp® Inc.
Director Fleet Activities.

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Re: The Corps

Postby Metalien » Mon Mar 16, 2009 2:52 am

Considering I just started and it's already Corps of Xeno... I have no problem at all

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