greetings guild mates!
well some great news today. again, XC is leveling and having a good time doing it. we are not power levelers by any stretch, i just like enjoying the storyline and leveling with my guild mates.
congrats to XC member Valeron, he just leveled to where all his aura's are unlocked and he is very excited about it.
congrats to XC member Aras who is now level 22 engineer and he is also very excited. he told me that he cannot play as much as others but he is still dedicated and loves leveling as much as anyone. congrats to him.
XenoCorp founder TheFreyman and long time XC member SFHQXC are both leveling fast as well and are almost caught up to me in the questline so we can continue the questline together!
way to go guys and keep up the good work. if you all have any special items or armor that you are looking for, please let me know and i can keep an eye out for a good deal!
i have started a screenshot thread that you can post your awesome shots at. there are some funny hells messenger names so try to capture those when you see them. then post them!
fight for the living!