Any 1 help me with a sig? it too dark

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Any 1 help me with a sig? it too dark

Postby TRO » Sat Dec 27, 2003 5:13 am

Waz wandering if any1 could help me with my prob.. I have made a few sigs in Adobe, colours and everything looks great then I save it as a Jpeg to my Hard drive, and it goes all dark.
I have tried to lighten the Sig in Adobe in an unatural way, hoppin this would cure it, but it just makes it look worse. So any ideas, postin this with somthin I just made. And in Adobe it looked great.
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Postby Cocomoe » Sat Dec 27, 2003 5:32 am

Check the settings you are using to save the jpg. Reduce the compression a little.
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Postby TRO » Sat Dec 27, 2003 7:50 am

=S= Coco, Hope ya remember me, and thnx for the repley.

If I may explain, I will 1st save it as a Photoshop file incase of any alterations needed for a future date, and I although I can only view it as a thumbnail, that also looks dark.

Now wen I save it as a Jpeg this is the procedure that I follow :- I go to File and select save as. 1st option is PSD (photoshop) click arrow and select Jpeg. Now I get a loction to save to and the only option I get is an ICC profile with a box to tick an not exactly know wot it does.

So I click Save and it takes me to a Jpeg options save screen.

1st option at the top is quality, mini degrades the pic with Pixal size, I always use Max and the pic appeares fine in Adobe, I hav saved this pic on Mini and its very degraded and still dark.

other option which again not sure wot they do are :- Baseline (standard)

Baseline (optimized) and Progressive. I dont normally touch these.

And at the bottom is size, which I think is a connection size; as its in (kbps)

Appreciate any help. thnx
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Postby FA_Frey_XC » Fri Jan 02, 2004 11:57 am

What may be happening is your loosing some of the color quality upon the rendering from Adobe format to JPG. I'd play with some of those other settings - the progressive is a compression setting I am reasonably sure.

Can you save it to a Bitmap, then load the bitmap in like Paint or Microsoft Photo Editor or any other Image editor besides Adobe and then save it as a JPG? Is there any loss then?

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Postby TRO » Mon Jan 05, 2004 10:44 am

I'll try that and let u know. Thnx
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