PW development

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PW development

Postby StumpTX_XC » Fri Jan 30, 2004 5:45 am

So how are we gonna do this? Right now, the mod is on my machine at home, but I would like to turn it over to others to have more stuff added. I have close to 200 areas now, but there is a LOT of room for more and I really need to finish tweaking some stuff. Still, if someone wants to have a crack at it, I can get a few things fixed up and have it ready to go in a few days. I have already had a few people playing on there, albeit briefly.

I also have only put in one simple assasinate and fetch quest, some unique critters and other items as well as a few stores.

This mod really needs more than one person in the creation process anyways if this is going to be a success. I will do everything I can from my end. Also, I think Cocomoe may be able to help with some of the scripting. I think he may have done some for that GFL server, which I have played on. They've done some nice stuff. Just let's not get too carried away with the scripts though. Keep it simple.

I know of one server where a lot of the new spells and features don't even work yet because of all the haks and scripting that they did. They will be debugging for a while. Even so, they did a lot of interesting things.
Perilandra is running online on a part-time basis while Nafein and I add some finishing touches. Stop by and check for mod name Perilandra in the Alternative section.
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Postby f9thret_XC » Fri Jan 30, 2004 10:01 am

Depending on how Big It is, and I imagine It's pretty big, I'd have to download It, Or have a Hard Copy on CD. If It's very Big, Please someone set us up the CD.

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