Request For Membership Form

Please review the following documents BEFORE submitting your application.

XC Codes

XenoCorp Online Protocols

After reviewing these documents please fill out the information below:



Applicant's  Name:

Applicant's Age:

Applicant's Requested Call sign:

Applicant's Email Address:

Applicant's Geographical / Uni-graphical Information:

Applicant's Time Zone (Terran Based):

Applicant's Preferred Squadron (race) if any :

Applicant's Preferred Messaging System:



Rate your knowledge of the following:

Your leadership ability, both to lead troops in a strategic campaign, and a tactical 3v3 or 2v2 battle

Command Skills: 

Your ability to pilot a starship in combat using the OP or SFC3 interface

Piloting Skills:

Your ability to troubleshoot PC and networking related issues

Engineering Skills:

Your ability to troubleshoot problems directly related to the game, programming or modding skills

Science Skills:



How long have you played any of the Starfleet Command games?

Which version do you play the most?

Do you have a registered account on the XenoCorp.Net forums?

If yes, please enter this account name ONLY here (no password):

Do you have a registered account on the Dynaverse.Net Forums?

If yes, please enter this account name ONLY here (no password):

Do you have a registered account on SFC2.Net forums?

If yes, please enter this account name ONLY here (no password):



Please utilize this remaining space to let us know why we should admit you to XenoCorp Inc.

Tell us about your skills, what you expect from the Fleet, and what the Fleet and Corporation can expect from you.


For Security Reasons please enter the following BACKWARDS 948#8r5ncuewIspd*e39wO@&#

By clicking on the Submit button:

You agree to the application requirements

You state you have read and understand the XC Codes of Conduct

You state you have read and understand the XenoCorp Online Protocols.

You also agree to the XenoCorp® Fleet NDA and RULA (if applicable).


Click on the "Submit" button to tender your application.

All webs authored by XenoCorp Inc., except those specified.
 Copyright  2001 by
Admin-XC. All rights reserved.
 Revised: 16 Feb 2007 21:08:11 -0600

All other rights reserved by their respective trademark and copyright holders.