The Best of XC Radio

Undignified Ways to Die on GSA
An XC poem by: Hstaphath

Being crazy enough to join the XC Crew,
tormenting Drone without end about him being Moo.

Naming my Lord Bishop the "HMS Dead Meat,"
taunting the XC Rom Squad to "turn up the heat."

Having my 1 year old son Ben hit the #5 key,
HET, into plasma, all that's left is debris.

Trying to over-run K'tuj in his Mirak drone fleet,
he went through me faster than a Lyran kibble treat.

Charging in with overloads when it was time to bail,
and dying to LAG cause my connection is AOHell.

Getting distracted chatting about how spanking is fun,
as my enemies lined up and over-ran me one by one.

Not noticing my allies going left while I'm going right,
Bringing my Hydran CRU to an x-ship cruiser fight.

Laughing as I HET out of a massive drone flock,
right up until I ran into that big freaking rock.

Pulling up to assault a planet, I emergency decel.,
forgot to reduce my speed bar, boy did I yell.

Letting the H-XBC's 9 hellbores go to my head,
as I die by plasma I wish I'd flown Fed...

Please contact Hstaphath with any comments, suggestions, questions or bribe money you may have

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