Archived News
Look for the Announcement in the XenoCorp Forums and at Dynaverse.Net
All updates have been completed.
XenoCorp Roster has been
updated.XenoCorp FTP is now live with over 10 GB of gaming files for your downloading pleasure.
Congrats to Fleet Vice Admiral 762 for his promotion!!!
The XC Webs have been updated.
More coming.
All links are again functional.
release CO OP ACE version 3.2.1 !!
Get it here!
Releases Final Beta patch 534!
Pestalence puts it together so you can get Version 534 for SFC3 HERE
XenoCorp HQ Alpha Status report: has been upgraded
Comms server has been upgraded
Simulations server has been upgraded
has been completed!
Thanks to all who participated!
Releases Beta patch 531
as Public Beta!
Get Version 531 for SFC3 HERE
The Doctor has returned...
Doctor StrangeLove !!
Skull N Bones brings you...
Revenge of Doctor Strangelove OP Dynaverse Campaign
Get the download HERE
IT'S HERE !!!!
MySQL Server Kit has been released !!!
Once again, Taldren goes the extra mile for the community.
My SQL support means better D2 period.
D2 Players, you aint seen NUTHIN' yet !
Get it HERE
does it again!
Check it out: Co Op Ace Version 3.2 is released!
Get it in our OP Downloads Page!!
brings you the first edition prelude of
Go to our forums for the details!
The XC Forums have been re-opened!
Join the madness here!
Patch 2552 is RELEASED !
Get it HERE!
Patch 2552 README
Important content updates are occurring. Please bear with us as we consolidate our webs to prepare for the upcoming website revamp.
Content marked as
has been updated, or contains
important new information.
Now, on to some really good stuff!
Holy ShipModels, Batman !!!
You NEED to check this one out!
Get what you need HERE
The XenoCorp GameSpy Tournament
XenoCorp is proud to announce the 2nd Open GameSpy Tournament! Open to all members of the SFC Community, registration is taking place over at the TALDEN Forums. Get there, or get thee hence!
Current Matchups
Get tje RULES of the Tourney HERE
Patch 2550 is RELEASED !
Get it HERE!
Patch 2550 README
We'd like to direct you to our newly opened
Website !!
is coming along.
Look for an announcement too.
Also, here's a little something I thought was funny.
You thought the last patch rocked?
You aint seen NOTHING yet !!
PATCH is released!!
Get the Nitty Gritty on the Patch Readme HERE
Get the Patch files HERE
THANKS DIZZY and the Admin Team,
and thanks to all who participated !
The XenoCorp Forums are ONLINE.
Register NOW.
XenoCorp Inc. proudly announces
the opening of Hstaspsdj,
umm, sorry,
...whoa, excuse me...
All of those songs you love to hate!
XC Productions Present :
Monty Python: Fellowship of the Ring,
as well as the time honored classic
And of course, who could forget
the haunting
and the ever popular dance classic
In Honor of this Grand Opening, the site reflects the joviality and camadrieship that makes XenoCorp...well, XenoCorp!
Starfleet Command Orion Pirates 2538
Slave Girls of Orion III - COMING SOON!
It's up!!
SFC2.Net's server is up and running !
Check out the SFC2.Net forums HERE
and get in on the fun!
Also, we've got the
mirrored here for your tactical pleasure!
Several new additions!
First, you've GOT to check out Firesoul's brand-spanking new
Starfleet Command : OP PLUS refit ShipList
Listed under the OP section, and utilizing current models, the Ships Pack offers over 800 new ships !!!
A MUST HAVE for the SCI fanatic!
Then, we've got the updated Co Op Ace V3.01, which was updated to work with FireSouls aforementioned Ships Pack!
Finally, for your perusing pleasure, it's the Official SFC3 Dynaverse Guide!
You can view it HERE, or download it HERE.
Featuring an all new interface, with a plethora of new weapons,
this is sure to breath a new and different breath of life into the Starfleet Command Series!
Click on the title above to be transported to the official site!
Click on the Starfleet Command III link on the nav panel to go to the SFC3 XC resources page, with screenshots, server kits, and the
Patch 2036 for SFC 2: EAW is RELEASED !!!
Get it HERE
CO OP ACE 3.0 for SFC2 / OP is released!
Featuring an all new interface, with a much cleaner and bug free connection state - this looks to be the "One".
Get it HERE.
XenoCorp has been approved to host
the one, the only NT ShipGuide (V4.0) !!
Ever wondered what ship is considered the best for a particular BPV?
Wonder no more, and find the answers HERE.
Big thanks goes out to Novae, and the Nexus Travelers -
XC is honored to host this valuable resource !!
XenoCorp Inc. Proudly announces the release of the legendary Sound & Textures Pack V 3.5 for the Orion Pirates Standalone Expansion!
Continuing the tradition started with SFC1, the new S&T pack enhances your SFC experience, without any worries regarding online multiplayer accessibility!
Get it HERE.
The long awaited patch for Empires @ War is released!!
Get the patch for EAW 2033 HERE!!!!!
XenoCorp has restarted the current OP Dynaverse for the apparent Hydran - ISC showdown!
The Klingons are making a come-back, they Lyrans and Miraki are almost gone, and the Federation and Gorn are caught in the middle of what could become the biggest, baddest war of the
Alpha Quadrant!
Forget the Dominion Wars.
War for the Alpha Quadrant begins NOW!
XenoCorp proudly announces the release of
CO OP ACE Version 2.6 !!!
Community member FireSoul has tweaked the script into it's ultimate shape!!
Get it HERE
XenoCorp apologies for the inconvenience -
The OP Dynaverse server will be down temporarily to allow
testing for the upcoming patch for EAW.
The Dyna will resume AS IS when testing has been completed.
Thank you for your patience!
XenoCorp apologies for the inconvenience -
It appears the FTP host that XC had to server our FTP has gone by by.
We are currently searching for alternative hosting solutions. In the interim, most of the FTP library has been uploaded to the XC webs themselves.
Again, we apologize for the inconvenience, and will notify all of you when the FTP site is fully functional.
Admin Reports:
All the links/webs are now functional. We appreciate your patience, as there were a few minor problems in getting the new FTP server configured correctly. As it's on a OC3, ENJOY!
Check out all the details at your premier source of online news for all things SFC:
Admin Reports:
We are preparing to move the entire FTP service to a new, dedicated OC3 line with over 30 GB of online storage space. No longer will our users have to tolerate semi-reliable links, as well as increased speed and reliability.
We're also about to bring online the Starship Certification Program (SCP), in which you will be able to follow a basic training regime that picks up where the intro's in EAW and OP left off.
Get a certification in hull classes, then get specialty certifications in specific ship designs within that hull class!
With over 80 fixes, plus additional enhancements, this sets the standard for OP gaming!
Get either - (20Mb)
or - (10Mb)as well as the new server kit !!!
XenoCorp.Net has been moved over to our new subspace CompCore relay with ease, and all files are in place. With over 1 GB of online web space, in addition to unlimited FTP service and space, we've got room to grow and then some.
This is in preperation for the massive XenoCorp.Net webs update. We've got a couple people working on a new, more intimately familiar interface that slimlines into the SFC experience! Taking Taldren's SCI one step further, the site will feature some outstanding new functionality!
As XenoCorp's ranks derive from many of the Galactic SuperPowers navies, we thought it only fitting that the subspace interface our members use be customizable by race, as well as preference. Thus, in the future our Gorn members will be able to customize the webs in an interface that is more hospitable. This, coupled with our recent agreement to Admin proves once again XenoCorp is at the top of the Galactic Race for Research and Technology.
SO, prepare yourselves for some new stuff, and most importantly, to have fun.
That's what it's all about, isn't it?
Happy New Year to all !!
The site has been finally reconfigured regarding the new
SubSpace WAN, all links appear to be functional.
We thank you for your patience, and will continue
to work until all areas are finally back online. If
you find a non-functional link, please email
Admin-XC with the specifics, as this
will aid us in getting everything
up and running.
Proudly Presents:
The Starfleet Command II Patch !
Get it HERE
The new server simulation software is available here as well!
Are you interested in a Rooks Tavern type
XC Dyna ? Would you play ?
Send an email to admin-xc and let him know!
Our Hearts and Prayers go out to those Families who lost loved ones in this horrendous tragedy.
The American Members of XC stand firm behind our President and the Congress of the United States of America.
Terrorism will not be tolerated !!
What can you do to help?
XC members and non members can make their donations HERE to the XC Relief Fund.
To donate blood, call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE to schedule an appointment.
Who should you call?
FBI - 1-866-483-5137
If you have any information about Tuesday's attacks
American Airlines
- 1-800-245-0999
If you are the relative or friend of a passenger seeking information
United Airlines - 1-800-932-8555
If you are the relative or friend of a passenger or are looking for flight
The Pentagon
- 1-800-984-8523 (Army)
1-877-663-6772 (Navy and Marine)
If you are employed or seeking loved ones at the Pentagon
Click HERE for some of the statements made by XC members.
This was sent to the Admin - Please read:
Well, you hit the World Trade Center, but you missed America.
You hit the Pentagon, but you missed America.
You used helpless American bodies to take out
other American bodies, but like a
poor marksman, you STILL missed America.
Because of something you guys will never
understand. America isn't about a
building or two, not about financial centers, not about military centers,
America isn't about a place, America isn't even about a bunch of bodies.
America is about an IDEA.
An idea that you can go someplace where you can
earn as much as you can
figure out how to, live for the most part like you envisioned living, and pursue
Happiness. (No guarantees that you'll reach it, but you can sure try!)
Go ahead and whine your terrorist whine, and chant your terrorist litany:
"If you can not see my point, then feel my pain."
This concept is alien to Americans.
We live in a country where we don't have to see
your point. But you're
free to have one. We don't have to listen to your speech. But you're free to say
Don't know where you got the strange idea that everyone has to agree with you. We don't agree with each other in this country, almost as a matter of pride. We're a collection of guys that don't agree, called States.
We united our individual states to protect
ourselves from tyranny in the world. Another idea we made up on the spot. You
CAN make it up as you go, when it's your country.
If you're free enough.
Yeah, we're fat, sloppy, easy-going goofs most of the time. That's an
unfortunate image to project to the world, but it comes of feeling free
and easy about the world you live in. It's unfortunate too, because people start
forget that when you attack Americans, they tend to fight like a cornered
The first we knew of the War of 1812 was when England burned Washington D.C. to the ground. Didn't turn out like England thought it was going to, and it's not going to turn out like you think, either.
Sorry, but you're not the first bully on
our shores, just the most recent.
No Marquis of Queensbury rules for Americans, either. We were the FIRST, and so
far, only country in the world to use nuclear weapons in anger. Horrific idea,
nowadays? News for you bucko, it was back then too, but we used it anyway.
Only had two of them in the whole world and we
used 'em both. Grandpa Jones
worked on the Manhattan Project. Told me once that right up until they threw the
switch, the physicists were still arguing over whether the uranium alone would
fission, or whether it would start a fissioning chain reaction that would eat
everything. But they threw the switch anyway, because we had a war to win.
Does that tell you something about
American resolve?
So who just declared war on us?
It would be nice to point to some real estate, like the good old days. Unfortunately, we're probably at war with random camps, in far-flung places. Who think they're safe.
Just like the Barbary Pirates did.
Better start sleeping with one eye open.
There's a spirit that tends to take over people who come to this country,
for opportunity, looking for liberty, looking for freedom. Even if they misuse
The Marielistas that Castro emptied out of his
prisons were overjoyed to
find out how much freedom there was. First thing they did when they hit our
shores was run out and buy guns. The ones that didn't end up dead
ended up in prisons.
You guys seem to be incapable of understanding that we don't live in
America lives in US!
American Spirit is what it's called. And
killing a few thousand of us, or a few million of us,
won't change it. Most of the time, it's a pretty happy-go-lucky kind of Spirit.
Until we're crossed in a cowardly manner,
then it becomes an entirely different kind of Spirit.
Wait until you see what we do with that Spirit this time.
Sleep tight, if you can.
We're coming.
Click HERE for some of the statements made by XC members.
XenoCorp has it mirrored HERE
File Size is 19.1 MB for 2006 to 2007.
You must be patched to 2006 before running this patch.
You can also download the full 2002 to 2007 patch at THIS location.
File size is 23 MB
The Site has been updated in regards for the Fleet Defense force expansion into the Orion Pirates Cartel Infiltration Unit, as well as the welcomed addition of SghnDubh's BattleClinic to the already extensive database for all Galactic members!
What a great addition it is ! Check it out, it'll be up and running soon!! Submit your files, get advice, become a Legendary Officer!
Soon, you'll be able to be certified by a trained XenoCorp Trainer in hull classes, as well as basic, intermediate, and advanced maneuvers and tactic !
The XenoCorp SSCP will be up soon!
Rear Admiral GC_XC !!!
Here is a transcript from the last transmission describing the birth of the little Klingon warrior :
"Transmission to XC Klingon high command.
The scene was tense.
The Klingon honor guard was in position. The surgical strike team began the operation. Insertion was achieved at the strategic point. The young warrior's head forced its way through the opening and with a aloud battle cry he immediately let the world know that he was a warrior and promptly bit the insertion team leaders finger.
Continuing to demonstrate his prowess Daniel ( named after a famous earth warrior who was thrown into a den of feline carnivores to test his warrior skill. ) managed to hold off the rest of the teams operations for several minutes using the art of hand to finger combat.
A visual recording was being made but using his mental abilities he managed to blank the electronic memory. After this the honor guard then lead the procession to the recovery hall where there he began to beguile the female attendance. The visual recording equipment began to work at this point again.
Pics will be coming.
Rear Admiral GC XC
The proud Father RA_GC_XC !
In Other XC News:
Check out this awesome screeny from HobbesMaster!
The Image Galleries are now open !
XenoCorp and the Holy Grail of Balance is HERE
This parody was created by XC, and hopes it'll give you all a bit of a chuckle.
XenoCorp rank changes are out !
Check the Rosters/Ranking page to see if you have advanced !
We have also instituted the ranking pips and profile records of medals and commendations received by XC members
You must send a Picture in for your profile page to be activated.
Click HERE to check out the new ranking pips and other goodies!
Congratulations to C Blade for his promotion to
Fleet Rear Admiral !
We're excited to have you with us, and look forward to your excellent work !
Also - check out the new ShipQuery Database ! Get instant info on the ship you are piloting or facing !
Programmed by 5of12 XC !
The site has been updated.
We've got a forming Orion Cartel database online, and more will be added soon.
The XenoCorp Orion Pirates Dyna should be online within the next several days. This GSCI includes a newly tweaked map by K'tuj, so don't miss it !
We've also got a winner of the XC OPEN TOURNAMENT #1!
Congratulations !!!!!
See the Tournament pages for all the exciting details !
Check out the link on the left titled "XC SCI Enhancements", and spice up the SCI with new sounds, textures from all of the best Modelers in the Community, and NEW TAUNTS !
Thank you for your patience.
The entire upgrade process has been completed. All files are available, as is Intrepid's Stardocks and the Tactics &Strategy Filmroom.
The Public GSCI is also back online.
Galactic Dominance Tournament
The Galactic Dominance Tournament begins tomorrow August 1st, and last until only one Empire is standing ! See the Tournament page if you need more information.
All XenoCorp Squadrons participating, please make sure to add the emailed key file as directed, as the server will be open to XC Members only.
Featuring a modified map by K'tuj, as well as much more realistic ecomonies and production, this should be an interesting Tourney !
We are also trying to get the SFC2 EAW GSCI back up and running - the database hasn't been lost, but we are seriously thinking about a restart due to a map change.
Send your comments, opinions, etc. about the EAW GSCI to
ENJOY !!!!
Links have been updated, the server kits are online, and about everything else you could think of has been done in the last few weeks.
Exciting news ! In a partnership with NannerSlug, XC is developing an interactive online Tactics and Manuvers Library interface ! This will be the do and and end all for strategy for OP and SFC2.
HAS ARRIVED !!!!!!!!!!!
K'tuj gives us some info!
Click here for our new Orion Pirates section!!
Here are some screenshots of Pneunomia81's ArchAngel class
with the Akira and Yorktown Class as well.
You can find them in the ScreenShot Galleries Page.
Currently, XenoCorp HQ Alpha is undergoing a massive CompCORE upgrade to better serve our members, and the Galactic Community.
We do not estimate the total time for this upgrade to complete any longer than 2 galactic days. During this period, The Public GSCI. Intrepids StarDocks, and the Film and SCI & GSCI Libraries will be temporarily unavailable.
Please bear with us as we strive to make your Universe a safer, more stable place.
Thank you -
Due to the overwhelming requests for training and tactic films, XenoCorp Inc. once again leads the pack in Tactical & Strategic research and development. Director K'tuj and his department have expanded to include a completely stocked library of reference films!
From the basic maneuvers any cadet should be intimately familiar with to the most advanced tactical and strategic maneuvers around, the T&S Film Library will soon become THE definitive source for reference and research materials revolving around everything that is SCI & GSCI !
NOTE: The films previously offered have been relocated. XenoCorp® apologizes for any inconvenience this may have caused. The files will be made available within a day in the newest section of our webs - Tactics & Strategy Film Library.
You can view some of the matches played in the XenoCorp® open tournament here :
Miscellaneous Open Tournament Matches
From FA_Frey_XC's Battle Log on XenoCorp's GSCI #1, Rev 3 :
"Today was an important day for the Inter-Stellar Concordium. We were sent on mission to subdue a Federation Starbase deep in Federation - Gorn space. Although the Starbase proved to be too much for the USS Chaos A to handle, the infidels couldn't prevent us from coming home empty handed.
A Federation Dreadnought, with databases intact, will go a long way towards securing peace in this war ravaged sector. Images that follow are, regrettably, only after we managed to get the A/V system back online. Enjoy !"
The Federation StarBase attempts to stop the USS Chaos A with her prize...a Fed Dread.
The USS Chaos A leaving the system with it's prize.
NOTE: The films previously offered have been relocated. XenoCorp® apologizes for any inconvenience this may have caused. The files will be made available within a day in the newest section of our webs - Tactics & Strategy Film Library.
XenoCorp Intelligence has intercepted a audio/visual transmission from the Advanced SCI labs at Taldren regarding the upcoming expansion to the current SFC SCI. It's HERE for your viewing pleasure !
From the Admirals Command Log :
"The Open SCI Tournament will begin tonight. Malystryx_XC will be coordinating the matches, and myself or Kehakoul will be refereeing. As it IS an open tourney, we've got some individuals from outside XC that signed up, I hope they'll see the Tournaments page for information."
From the Admiral's Private Log :
"The XenoCorp Public GSCI #1 has been reset. The old database was preserved, but appeared to be corrupted. I apologize for the inconvenience. The new server software interface has been downloaded and implemented, so I think we can hope for a better experience this time around.
Great news from the front - Captain Stoneyface has returned !!! Our old acquaintance from BlackOps has resurfaced, once again defying death and doing the impossible ! And it appears BlackOps and XenoCorp will be doing some business in the near future ! With our pooled resources, the ISC and Borg invaders don't stand a chance ! I am very grateful and satisfied with the recent turn of evernts."
In Galactic news today, Chris Jones Inc. opened their own GSCI titled "Dominion Wars" on XC's Public GSCI Host #2. This GSCI will simulate the armed conflict between several different Alpha Quadrant races. Currently in Rev 1, the specs are based on TNG Era until the DM specs have been proofed and implemented.
Other news : The USS ODIN, XenoCorp's Flagship, saw action today while on patrol. It appears the ISC has "acquired" some Klingon ships in an effort to further confuse and stir up tensions between the different races in the Alpha Quad. It is advised that all ships maintain a level of suspicion regarding other ships during this crisis. What follows are some images transmitted to XC HQ Gamma, with a limited transcript:
USS Odin cloaked and on patrol...
Ops:"Sir, we've got several ships on long range sensors."
FA_Frey_XC:"Let's investigat. Helm, set intercept course, rig for silent running"
Ops:"Sir, there is an ISC command varient, but it looks like a ..Klingon/Rom varient cruiser?"
FA_Frey_XC:"Ahhh, little do they know a wolf is amidst the sheep... Ops, get as detailed a scan as possible. All hands, Red Alert."
Tactical : "Sir, they've managed to detect us, it's the nebula emissions, Sir !"
FA_Frey_XC: "Ready for some fun, people? DECLOAK, and prepare to fire!"
Ops : "Decloaking, Sir..."
FA_Frey_XC: "Targ the ISC vessel when we are de-cloaked, and fire a full spread of torpedoes immediately."
Tactical : "Firing phasers, torps away... hit on warp engines - she's got a core breach! HAH! ISC vessel destroyed !"
FA_Frey_XC : "Shuttle bay control, launch fighters, and targ the klingon vessel !"
Ops: "Fighters away, Sir."
Tactical : "Romulan varient coming around Sir, torps are reloaded and ready."
FA_Frey_XC: "Wait for those fighters to get a targ... Now ! Fire torpedoes !"
Tactical : "Fighters are intercepting ! Torpedoes away!!"
FA_Frey_XC : "They'll never survive that - recall fighters and cloak.."
Ops : "Aye Aye, Sir"
Tactical :"Last ship destroyed, Sir. Sector scans clear."
FA_Frey_XC : "Ok, let's get back on course. Continue patrol."
Here's to the brave men and women protecting not only XenoCorp®'s frontiers, but the rest of the Alpha Quadrant as well!
XenoCorp® News Services
FA_Frey's Personal log , excerpt:
"Great news !!! XenoCorp Server #2 is up ! After some intensive burn in testing over Memorial weekend, LOKI looks ready to handle Chris Jones's Dominion War GSCI ! Whoo hoo ! Can't wait to check it out !! As well, on GSCI Public #1, the XenoCorp ISC Squadron brings home a prize ! I'm including some video stills for posterity :
The XC ISC Squadron commanded by myself engaged a minimal force on the ISC border.
Capturing the Rom Dread gives XenoCorp Tactical Division valuable information.
Yea, that's right - we came, we saw, we captured a Rom !!!! Commendations go out to GC and UltraProphet for their excellent performance in this maneuver.
End Personal Log entry, computer."
.. End Excerpt..
From the XenoCorp News Service:
With the release of Taldrens Dynaverse II,GSCI members and non-members alike can join in the bid to take over the Alpha Quadrant ! XenoCorp's Public server # 1 is up and running like a champ. Public GSCI #2 will be hosting Chris Jones Dominion Wars GSCI, and should be up by the end of the weekend.
We here at XenoCorp News Services would like to take the time to thank Taldren for all their hard work and permission to use some of the graphics and link to their comms for Starfleet Command II : Empires at War. We'll be updating the Galactic Hotspots as we can, so if you'd like your comms channels listed here, email me. Also - special thanks go to Malystryx_XC for all the hard work he put into the new webs ! THANKS !
BlackOps is at it again ! With a new interview with SFCShadow, and several other interviews with the designers and creators of SFC2 :EAW, this is the definitive site for inside info on the SCI.
You've GOT to check out Max Torp's Starfleet Comms. This relay has it all, forums, personal matching systems for online matches, GSCI stats pages...the works ! Head on over to and check it out !
Future Events :
XenoCorp's tournament #2 will be happening sometime in the first week of June ! Get your registrations in now, and we've decided to open the tournament to non - XC'ers as well ! So, check out the tournaments page, and get your information in ASAP to reserve your place in the tourney !